StandUp for Kids 3rd Annual Virtual Gala

By StandUp For Kids - Orange County (other events)

Thursday, September 17 2020 7:00 PM 8:00 PM PDT

This year, we are turning 30.  It has been a tumultuous year for all of us.  StandUp for Kids is doing all we can to support the homeless youth of Orange County through this trying time. We would like to invite you to this virtual event to join us as we do good and feel good about ending the cycle of youth homelessness in our community, one life at a time.

The night's virtual festivities will include guest speakers, silent and live auctions, and much more. Attend our virtual platform and meet like-minded individuals who are fighting to slow the homelessness epidemic - all from the comfort of your home. 

A few of our current and former youth will also be in attendance. One of which, Dilan Oezkan, who endured an unstable and tumultuous upbringing and is now attending UCLA as a Political Science major, will speak on the profound impact organizations like StandUp for Kids have had on his life and continue to support him and his siblings.

“Most programs are designed to help people in general but I’m glad that StandUp for Kids is designed specifically for us,” Dilan says. “Kids are kids and they need a different focus. They need help in creating a step-by-step process for everything. They need that guidance...StandUp for Kids is an organization I stand up for.”

Please save your spot in the event by registering here and share this opportunity with your family, friends and colleagues to learn more how individuals come together for a common cause much greater than themselves and help change the situation for so many vulnerable youth.

StandUp For Kids - Orange County